Foundation and Supported Studies

Our Foundation programmes meet the needs of a broad range of learners; from those with special educational needs or disabilities, to those who may have disengaged from learning in the past or not achieved their full potential.

Foundation Studies

Our foundation programmes meet the needs of a broad range of learners, allowing for progression onto vocational career pathways within Activate Learning.

During the one-two year programme, learners are able to try different vocational options or specialise in a chosen subject area. Our students also develop employability skills and continue their studies in English, Maths and digital literacy where required. The programme includes citizenship and personal and social development, as well as work experience opportunities.

We offer a variety of pathways, including:

  • Business
  • Construction
  • ESOL
  • Hair and beauty
  • Hospitality and professional cookery
  • IT Media
  • Motor vehicle
  • Performing arts
  • Public services
  • Sports
  • Tourism
  • Visual arts and design

Tier 4: Foundation Studies
This programme is for learners who have been disengaged from learning or are underachieving, and who want to try different vocational options. Learners will develop vocational and employability skills, including English and maths, digital literacy and citizenship learning. Work experience is part of this programme.

Tier 5: Foundation Studies
This programme is for learners who need to develop their personal and social skills to achieve success. Learners will also take part in an introduction to a chosen vocational area at Level 1. The programme includes personal and social development, employability skills, work experience, English and maths, digital literacy and citizenship.

Supported Studies

Our SEND provision is at the heart of our colleges at Activate Learning. We believe that our learners can achieve anything with the right support, time and environment.

We offer a variety of study programmes, however, we know that every learner is different. We will design the right blend for your individual needs.

  • Tier 1: Pathway to Exploration
    This programme provides for the needs of individuals with profound and complex learning difficulties including sensory impairment, physical disabilities and severe medical conditions. This programme will sup-port all aspects of your needs including health, care, therapies, medications, and educational development.
  • Tier 2: Pathway to Independence and Supported Work
    This programme provides for the needs of individuals with severe to moderate learning difficulties who want to continue to build on essential skills for living, employment and community
  • Tier 3: Pathway for Progression
    This programme serves as a stepping stone for you to progress on to further studies and prepare you for the world of work in a supported college environment. The programme will help you build confidence and further develop your social communication skills by providing opportunities for you to independently apply skills and knowledge learnt in a range of settings including external work experience.

Our facilities and specialist services

At each of our campuses, every student will be allocated an experienced personal tutor who will:

  • support attendance
  • raise awareness of health issues
  • set targets and goals
  • give careers advice
  • help with study skills offer pastoral care

We offer a range of specialist services at each of our colleges, including:

  • Our House, an off-campus specialist provision for profound and multiple learning difficulties
  • Purpose built ASD Centre

A full range of extra-curricular activities are also organised each year that complement and extend our academic curriculum. The students have the opportunity to further develop their social skills, independence, self-esteem, self-reliance, and physical capabilities as well as having fun.

Philip, Foundation Tier 3 Philip has also made massive progress on his work experience. The placement was so successful that he was invited back for another six weeks, which he attended fully independently!
Read my story

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