Classic Civilisations A Level

Learn about the legacy of the classical world and develop skills in critical analysis and evaluation.

  • Level

    Level 3

  • Type

    GCE A level

  • Study Mode


  • Duration

    2 Years

  • Location

    Reading College

  • Pathway

    A Levels

  This humanities subject is an excellent choice if your chosen career will require good written and verbal communication. 

An A Level in Classical Civilisation will help you to understand the legacy of the classical world, whilst equipping you to progress to higher education. It allows you to further develop skills of critical analysis and evaluation and apply these to the range of source materials studied in order to gain insight into aspects of the classical world.  

If you are looking to apply to university, Classical Civilisation can be extremely useful. You not only acquire specific Classical knowledge, but also important transferable skills such as analysing sources and developing independent, critical and evaluative approaches. You learn to formulate and support an argument and develop a valuable understanding of cultures very different to your own. 

The course also offers opportunities for trips to visit ancient sites both in the UK and abroad. 

The study of A Level Classical Civilisation can often lead to the university-level study of Classics, Drama, English, History, History of Art, Philosophy and Politics. Information from UCAS shows that students who studied Classical Civilisation also went on to study in such diverse disciplines as Medicine, Veterinary Science and Chemistry! 

You will be following the OCR specification:

First year AS Classical Civilisations:

Unit 1: the World of the Hero (Homer’s Odyssey)
Unit 2: Imperial Image

Second Year A level Classical Civilisations:

Unit 1: The World of the Hero (Virgil’s Aeneid)
Unit 3: Democracy and the Athenians

You will learn in a variety of ways:

  • Discussion
  • Group work
  • Independent study
  • Essays
  • Reading
  • Source analysis
  • Research tasks


At the end of the first year you will have 2 exams of 1 hour and 30 minutes. 

At the end of the second year you will have 3 exams: one of 2 hours and 20 minutes and two of 1 hour and 45 minutes. 

There will be regular assessments throughout your period of study and individual learning targets are set each term, with regular feedback on all assessments. 

The study of A Level Classical Civilisation can often lead to the university-level study of Classics, Drama, English, History, History of Art, Philosophy, and Politics.

Information from UCAS shows that students who studied Classical Civilisation went on to study in such diverse disciplines as Medicine, Veterinary Science, and Chemistry!

Applicants should have five GCSEs at grade 5, including English and maths.

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  • Clear routes of progression with qualifications ranging from foundation level to degree level!
  • Industry experienced teaching staff give you the responsibility and independence you need to take charge of your own future.
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    courses available

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    of our graduates go into work or higher education

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