The course allows students to work more independently and provides them with weekly work experience. Student still receive specialist support but work in larger groups. Experienced staff are on hand to help students progress on to work or further study. The course helps students develop their literacy numeracy and IT skills study subjects like citizenship and drama and develop their creative skills. Students can progress to Functional Skills or GCSEs.
This course could be funded via your local authority if you have an EHCP.
What you'll learn
This course is a link mainly for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities to enable them to move to mainstream courses.
The course allows students to work more independently and provides them with weekly work experience.
Student still receive specialist support but work in larger groups. Experienced staff are on hand to help students progress on to work or further study. The course helps students develop their literacy numeracy and IT skills study subjects like citizenship and drama and develop their creative skills.
This is a bridging course for students who need to develop personal and work-related skills before progressing to employment.
The STEPS course allows students to work more independently to Level 1 but still benefit from the support of specialist staff. Students will study literacy, numeracy and IT plus self development and food hygiene. Students will gain the opportunity to progress on to further studies or employment.
The course will give students an accredited qualification of Entry Level 3 or Level 1 allowing them to move to a mainstream course. Citizenship, Work Place Health and Safety, Your Role at Work, and Social Drama or Art and Design. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities such as discos, residential trips, visits to museums, exhibitions and theme parks.
To bolster their work skills students will have work experience for two days each week which can help them progress to a Level 1 or 2 course.
Students will gain the opportunity to progress on to further studies or employment. The course can help boost students’ confidence and self-esteem, improve their independence and prepare them for the workplace.
How you'll learn and be assessed
Students will spend two days a week on supervised work experience and pick up future skills for employment.
There will be a range of enrichment activities and practical sessions allowing students to develop their personal and social skills.
Coursework and GCSE examinations if appropriate.
Entry requirements
No qualifications are required.
Students will be individually assessed and given an informal interview.
An educational statement may be required.