Lottie, Tourism Level 3

- Yasmine, Computing Level 3
- Xhuada, Health care: Clinical Level 3
- Sophie, Hairdressing Level 2
- Sherrie, Construction Level 3
- Sean, Foundation Degree in Furniture: Design and Make
- Sam, Performing and Production Arts Level 3
- Sam, Countryside Management Level 3
- Rameen, IT and computing Level 2
- Poppy, Art and Design Level 3 UAL Extended Diploma
- Philip, Foundation Tier 3
- Monet, Floristry Level 3
- Michelle, Motor Vehicle Maintenance Level 3
- Merhawi, Engineering
- Lottie, Tourism Level 3
- Lauren, Beauty Therapy, Level 3
- Khalia, Performing Arts Level 3
- Kai, Performing and Production Arts, Level 3
- Imogen, Media Makeup, Level 3
- Grace, Business, Level 3
- Gabby, Health and Social Care: Clinical, Level 3
- Fraser, Horticulture, Level 3
- Eric, Professional Cookery, Level 3
- Enda, Teacher Training, Level 7
- Chloe, Animal Management Level 3
- Charlotte Newton, Access to HE Level 3
- Bradley, Public Services Level 3
- Anne, Accountancy, Level 4
- Amina, A Levels
- Amelia, Childcare, Level 3
- Alex, Games Development Level 3
A City of Oxford College learner is celebrating winning full academic merit scholarships from both Bournemouth and Southampton Solent Universities to continue studying travel and tourism.
Lottie Hammond, from Wantage, chose to study at the Activate Learning’s Oxford city centre campus because “it offered travel and tourism, which is what I had decided I wanted to study, and I had also heard positive feedback about the college from older friends who had studied here.”
She feels that her experience of college “massively” differs from her time at school. Lottie explains: “The way I have been treated, the help and support I have been given and the people I am surrounded by are all so much better than they were at school. Since being at college I have felt much more respected, have met some of the best people and have also received a lot of guidance regarding my future and within my course. I hated school but I really enjoy college.”
“I now have a genuine love for tourism and am very excited for my future. My favourite topics include EU and worldwide destinations, holiday representatives, dark tourism and global effects. Tourism is a lot more interesting than you may think!
Lottie has excelled on her Activate Learning programme and now has to choose between two scholarships, starting in October 2019.
“I am still very shocked that I managed to get offered more than one, and the only answer I have to that is hard work and perseverance. Without my course tutors, I wouldn’t be where I am now, I did awfully at school and barely got into college but since being here I have proved that you can turn yourself around and achieve things you never thought you could.
“It means so much honestly, I don’t cry, but I cried when I received my scholarship offers. That’s how much it meant to me. I have worked so hard to pull myself from my awful school results to where I am now.
Lottie, having discovered her passion, is now looking forward to an exciting career in tourism. She says:
“In the future I hope to graduate university with a degree and go on to be a strong female lead in a travel/tourism company either within destination management or as an operations manager.
“I know how long and boring work can be and sometimes it seems as if you’re getting nowhere but just keep pushing yourself and you will get somewhere.”